Intro at Fuorisalone
Milan 2023
Intro at Fuorisalone
Milan 2023

At the University of Milan La Statale, in the courtyard of honour, an installation to experience a more natural dimension with more harmonious biological rhythms.

The concept of the large exhibition-event curated by Interni for FuoriSalone 2023 was a choral and multi-disciplinary reflection on the role of Evolutionary Thinking as a tool for designing territories known and unknown, physical and digital, contemporary and futuristic.
Design Re-Evolution is…
…a revolutionbecause it aims at redeveloping the territory, the objects that inhabit it, the materials with which they are made and the energies used to create them;
…evolutionbecause it develops through the synergy between different knowledge, stimulating virtuous contaminations between people, companies, institutions and, of course, citizens;
…a processa way of conceiving, producing and sharing ideas to arrive at a new configuration of the spaces of our lives.

INTERNI DESIGN RE-EVOLUTION called on designers, architects and businesses to contribute to the construction of new landscapes to promote:
• a new, positive interaction between human beings and the environment;• the action of doing in a profund dialectical relationship with nature;• the achievement of happiness, a fundamental factor closely linked to the human and social context with which it is confronted on a daily basis.
Intro has responded to this call and with Massimo Iosa Ghini, Felis and Fmg Shapes has created "the oasis" an enveloping and protective micro-architecture, open to dialogue with the outside world, a manifesto of simple responses to the needs of contemporary life.
The open pavilion (9.8 x 6.6 x h 5 m), located in the courtyard of honour, was an invitation to sit and stop in a place where time seems to flow more slowly.The installation curated by Intro was defined by a sinuous path formed by wooden slats in continuous dialogue with the outside.
“THE OASI represents a protection from the context”, explains the designer, Massimo Iosa Ghini, "but maintains permeability and the ability to relate between inside and outside. The studied and balanced use of woods expresses the relationship between artifice and nature; biophilia helps us to design interiors in which good feeling prevails, staying in a place where one can regenerate from physical and mental fatigue, symbolised, and then plastically represented, by the Felis float sofa".
THE OASIS is a creation by